Aurora WDC Brand Standards



The taglines for Aurora GPS (achieve alpha™), FirstLight (magnify truth™) and RECONVERGE (forge belonging™) are meant to augment each of these brands with additional meaning. We prefer the versions of the logos with the taglines, although they are not required, nor are they appropriate for every situation.

The Aurora GPS Logo w/tagline

The FirstLight Logo w/tagline

The RECONVERGE Logo w/tagline



The placement of the tagline, and its size, are determined relative to the size of the logo itself. Do not alter the proportions of the logo or the tagline, and do not use the tagline if it is too small to be legible.



The typeface noted below is the only typeface to be used to create the tagline for any of the Aurora WDC family of brands. All of the words in the tagline are lowercase.

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