What liability might we be exposed to if a security flaw is discovered in our platform?

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Zoom’s Popularity Leads to New York Investigating Its Security Flaws

Source Article: https://www.bytebacklaw.com/2020/05/zooms-popularity-leads-to-new-york-investigating-its-security-flaws/

Aurora WDC Analysis: Liabilities from security flaws can mean significant regulatory and legal implications. “The SHIELD Act took effect on March 21, 2020, and requires any person or business owning or licensing computerized data containing the private information of a New York resident “to develop, implement and maintain reasonable safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of that private information.” GBL § 899-BB(2).” This represents an example of how government’s are increasing regulation on data and information. Zoom was the first company to be impacted by this new law due to security flaws found within their platform.

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