How will varied approaches to restarting the economy at the state, federal, and international level impact new adoption of our platform as well as existing usage?

Upstream Product Marketing

EU reopens its borders to 14 nations but not US tourists

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Aurora WDC Analysis: A second wave of the coronavirus is a very real fear in today’s world. International leaders are cautiously discussing plans to reopen their economies. Most recently, the EU announced that tourists from the United States will not be allowed to visit as cases begin to rise in the U.S. while this is a temporary ban, it may effect the adoption of new SaaS platforms due to the continued drag on the global economy with the U.S. slowly reverting back into lockdown, it also makes client interaction much more difficult as many firms must continue to operate virtually while trying to coordinate deals with clients that are not. American tourists made 27 million trips to Europe last year, that decrease in tourism is likely to stagger the European economy while releasing of lockdowns continue.

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