What impact might a severe economic downturn have on SaaS platform attrition rates and/or price sensitivity?

Upstream Product Marketing

2019 Annual SaaS Trends Report

Source Article: https://www.blissfully.com/saas-trends/2019-annual/

Aurora WDC Analysis: In 2018, the average cost of an employee’s SaaS subscriptions cost more than a new laptop computer. This gap is likely to widen in the coming years, however, during the coronavirus pandemic, many companies are rushing to provide their employees with the means to work remotely. This rush adds additional costs that a company would not have experienced and, added with the economic downturn of the crisis means that companies will be even more strapped for cash and potentially looking to cut costs wherever possible. In an attempt to cut costs, a company may turn to reducing the amount spent on software and SaaS companies may expect to see some clients renewing agreements with a much smaller scope.

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