Rostyk Hursky

“As leaders, not only do we control the narrative, but we have to be constant purveyors of hope,” says Bill Mitchell, COO for MoreTalent Corporation. For the past 25 years, Bill has worked with hundreds of corporations and high-level executives to develop ethical practices that produce sustainable success. His unique insights have helped struggling clients to effectively lead their businesses through the troubling COVID-19 pandemic. 

In politics, whoever is in control of the narrative has the upper hand; according to Bill, the same could be said for business. While it may be easier to get distracted in the midst of a global pandemic, a strong leader will concentrate on maintaining the company’s narrative at all times by working to keep their employees focused. Leaders have a duty to lead their people in good faith, so before you begin to enforce any organization’s narrative, Bill explains that you must first confront brutal facts and base your objectives on truth. But above all else, the biggest role of a leader is to convey a sense of hope. 

Join the Jo Bros and Bill Mitchell on this week’s episode of Running Into the Fog to learn more about the rules of effective leadership, the importance of hope, and how to create a business that thrives in the chaos of a constantly changing world. 



• “The bottom line is the effective executives are going to spend about 80% of their time working on the business and not in it.” (06:26-06:38)

• “For people who are longing for yesterday or hoping for a better tomorrow, I would suggest to them to figure out this is what it is. We make the best of what it is, we learn from yesterday, and we prepare for tomorrow, but we live in the moment. And I think it’s important as businesses that we understand that more than ever.” (07:00-07:19) 

• “When we don’t have control of many things, we’ve got to make sure we have full control of the things we can.” (07:51-07:55)

• “In times of uncertainty, the best thing we can do is stick to what we know.” (20:33-20:42)

• “As leaders,not only do we control the narrative, but we have to be constant purveyors of hope.” (25:30-25:34)



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