Methodology Training: The mechanics of ethical intelligence tradecraft.

Where can you learn critical thinking skills in an age of information overwhelm and (often hallucinating) AI?

For nearly 30 years, Aurora WDC has made a name for itself digging beneath the obvious surface layer. We’ve seen the transition from printed industry reports, to online databases, to generative artificial intelligence. In each case, the amount and accessibility of data increased, but the skills needed to extract knowledge from that data remained the same. Our training programs focus on time-tested methods and tools your team can deploy inside your organization.

Derek Johnson
Derek Johnson, CEO

“Ongoing professional development not only boosts your team’s effectiveness, but encourages engagement and retention among core staff members.”

Specific intelligence training offerings:

Primary Research & Elicitation Techniques

We can train your team to ethically collect information that is not readily available and do so without raising suspicion that specific facts are being sought.

Establishing Productive Taxonomy
Taxonomy training focuses on the names and categories you create to better organize the way information is discovered and analyzed.
Conducting War Games & Competitive Simulations

We can train your team to conduct effective and engaging simulations whenever they’re needed.

Trade Show & Conference Intelligence Operations

We can help train your team to collect meaningful and actionable intelligence when you attend industry events.

Artificial Intelligence Training

We can help you leverage LLM (Large Language Models) and GenAI (Generative Artificial Intelligence) approaches to enhance your collection and analysis efforts.

Building Effective Queries
Collecting information from vast secondary source database requires separating the signal from the noise. To do this requires expert knowledge of how to build, test, and refine sophisticated search queries using Boolean logic.
Creating an Intelligence Dashboard
We’ll help your team establish meaningful and actionable dashboards in FirstLight or ReconG2 – as well as show you the best practices for setting up any intelligence dashboard.
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Training

We help teach new analysts how to conduct advanced secondary research, evaluating sources, accessing public records (aka FOIA Freedom of Information Act) — anything beyond a Google search or ChatGPT prompt.

Counterintelligence Techniques
Generally, counterintelligence training falls into three categories: The methods your competitors are using to collect intelligence, defending your organization from those efforts, and turning that collection apparatus back on its source.
Custom Coaching and Program Development

We’ll help you develop a custom training program based on your organizational goals. Those objectives may include:

  • Build internal staff skillsets, making them more valuable and more effective
  • Boost a sense of cohesion and an intelligence culture inside your organization
  • Sharpen the insights you can deliver to your organization
  • Increase your influence and sway with executives
  • Demonstrate measureable return on investment for your efforts

Get Started Today

Our training programs focus on time-tested methods and tools your team can deploy inside your organization.