Nothing “Artificial” About It

Use Human Intelligence (HUMINT) to deliver true competitive advantage.

Artificial intelligence may grab all the headlines, but human intelligence (aka HUMINT) remains the secret weapon for savvy product managers, marketers, and innovators who want to find the critical wedge that will drive growth, adoption, and market share.

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    Download a copy of the slide deck: PMA – Aurora WDC – May 2023

    Here is a sampling of the specific services we’re talking about.

    Aurora WDC is committed to helping product managers, marketers, and innovators succeed in their marketplace through ethical intelligence gathering, incisive analysis and transformative skill-building. We show our clients how to exploit gaps in competitors’ strategies, attack profitable adjacent markets, repulse business threats, and plan for multiple possible futures.

    Which ones are you familiar with? Have you used any? What were the results? What questions or concerns do you have? We’re here to answer them!

    Global Primary Research (HUMINT) Human Intelligence

    When you can get the information no other way.

    Competitor & Executive Profiling

    Know your competitors better than they know themselves.

    Strategy & Business Model Validation

    Big decisions demand clear thinking. We help provide clarity.

    Voice of Customer (VOC) Customer Insights & Engagement

    Proceed with confidence by understanding your customer’s unique perspective.

    IP Analysis (Patent & Intellectual Property)

    There is more to IP than the law. See the bigger picture.

    Market Sizing & Competitive Landscaping

    Discover the opportunities your competitors are missing.

    Competitive Pricing Intelligence & Go-To-Market Strategy

    Dollars and Sense: Competitive Pricing Intelligence helps you generate top-line and protect the bottom line.

    Product Development & Product Management Analytics

    Innovation is the lifeblood of every organization. Supercharge it with a robust analytical approach.

    War Games, Competitive Simulations & Scenario Planning

    Don’t just play the game. Play to win. Learn how to use War Games.

    Conference Intelligence & Tradeshow Coverage

    When your competitors are all in one place, you need to take advantage of the opportunity.

    Counterintelligence Investigations & Training

    Intelligence is being used against you. Right now. Understand it.

    Win-Loss Analysis & Sales Effectiveness

    Use win-loss analysis to ask why you won…and more importantly, why you lost.

    Sourcing & Supply Chain Intelligence

    Be a smarter buyer: Use Supply Chain Intelligence.

    Merger & Acquisition Intelligence

    Stronger together? Know for sure with Merger & Acquisition Intelligence.

    Legislative-Regulatory Impact Analysis

    Legislative and regulatory impact analysis will help you play the game to win.

    Intelligence Program Development & Analytical Fitness

    Build your analytical fitness through Intelligence Program Development.